What Types Of Videos Are The Most Popular On YouTube?

You may be wondering what types of videos are the most popular on YouTube. Well, today I’m going to tell you about my research into that question and provide you with some data on what types of videos get the most views, likes, and shares. Before you dive in though, let’s just quickly go over some of the most popular types of YouTube videos.

Comedy Videos

Comedy has always been a wildly popular genre on YouTube. Comedians and funny people are some of the most well-known personalities on the platform, and their videos are often viewed by millions of people.

The most popular comedy videos on YouTube tend to be silly, funny, or even cringe-inducing. In addition to being entertaining for viewers, comedy can also be lucrative for comedians who have built up a large following on YouTube.

Educational Videos

Education is the most popular category on YouTube. It’s a good way to share knowledge and teach people how to do things, but it can also be used as an opportunity for learning about things you don’t know or are interested in.

For example, if you want to learn how to make paper airplanes, there are many videos explaining how it’s done. If you’re interested in learning about art history, there are many educational videos about different periods of art history that will help expand your knowledge base!

Video Blogs/Vlogs

Vlogs are video blogs, a type of content that allows you to share your life with your audience. They’re usually personal, but they can be about any topic.

Vloggers often have a niche or specialty (like makeup tutorials or travel vlogs), and their audiences can be very loyal. There’s no hard-and-fast rule about how long your vlog should be – however, it’s best if it’s at least three minutes long so people will watch all the way through.

Unboxing Videos

Unboxing videos are popular YouTube videos because they’re entertaining. People like to watch other people open and use new products, and it’s a great way to learn about new products.

Unboxing videos can be useful for inspiration when you’re shopping for something specific in-store or online–you can see how someone else uses a product and decide whether or not it’s right for your needs.

Gaming Videos

And lastly, gaming is a wildly huge video category on YouTube. It’s one of the biggest genres of videos that you can watch and create on YouTube, and it’s also one of the most popular. Why? Because people love to watch other people play video games of all types!